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Bright World Powerful Human Protection Council
Bright World Powerful Human
Protection Council
REGD BY: Central Government Of India
MCA(Ministry Of Corporate Affairs)
License Number (130487) Section 8

Self Defence Training

Still, now, women are not able to get equal rights in society. They are restricted to do their responsibilities. People should come out from these restrictions and limitations and motivate them by presenting gifts for women. The women are failed to protect themselves when they are facing any kind of sexual violence and random attack. The main reason for the failure is fear. The below mentioned are the reasons for joining the self-defence training program and usage of self-defence weapons. ,so that the women can resist any kind of sexual assault as well as random attacks. Here are the reasons why self-defence is so important for women.
BWPHPC along with other Legal Services Institutions undertakes various awareness activities in order to make people aware of their rights and about the role, activities and functioning of the legal services institutions. A variety of tools are used in order to achieve this objective like conducting seminars, lectures; distribution of pamphlets; participation in Doordarshan programmes, broadcasting jingles, live phone-in programmes etc; floating mobile multi-utility vans for spreading awareness through public interactions; nukkad nataks; short documentaries; cultural programmes by school children on legal issues; various competitions like painting, essay writing, debates and declamation etc. on legal issues. Specific issues are taken up for legal literacy programmes varying from place to place depending upon the needs of a locality and its people. Internship programmes are organised for law students to promote the role and importance of legal services activities.

Education Convention

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world and the most effective way to break out of the cycle of poverty. Yet, after 74 years of Independence, over two crore children still remain out-of-school in India. These children are not only deprived of their right to receive an education but they lose their childhood to earn bread for a living. Government through its Right to Education Act, 2009 have been making its way in enrolling and retaining children in school especially from the marginalized sector. According to the National Survey for Estimation of Out-of-School Children conducted in 2014, more than 60% of children dropped out before completing 3rd grade and according to the Institute for Policy Research Studies (PRS), nearly 50% of students dropped out by 11th grade. With the existence of such staggering numbers, the proper implementation of the Right to Education Act is yet to be made.

Women Empowerment

Women’s empowerment can be defined to promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. It is closely aligned with female empowerment – a fundamental human right that’s also key to achieving a more peaceful, prosperous world. In Western countries, female empowerment is often associated with specific phases of the women’s rights movement in history. This movement tends to be split into three waves, the first beginning in the 19th and early 20th century where suffrage was a key feature. The second wave of the 1960s included the sexual revolution and the role of women in society. Third wave feminism is often seen as beginning in the 1990s

Slavery and trafficking

Trafficking in persons, contemporary forms of slavery, descent-based slavery, bonded labour, worst forms of child labour and other forms of child slavery, debt bondage, domestic servitude, forced labour, forced and servile forms of marriage, gender dimensions of slavery and trafficking, removal of organs, serfdom, sexual slavery, forced criminality